
partners in professional aquaponics

The European Aquaponics Consortium forms a value added network with one goal:

support aquaponics companies through a practical approach.

Our customers are

  • Professionals in aquaponics: any urban, semi-industrial or industrial organisation or company that works with aquaponics.
  • Education: schools and training centers

We support any starter or existing company with

  • Advise & consultancy:  budget calculations, feasibility studies, funding, market research, aquaculture, hydroculture, specific aquaponics issues, social integration & impact, urban farming, etc.
  • design and engineering: concepts, projects, calculations, 2D & 3D design, etc.
  • Installations: from a helping hand to complete project management
  • Material sales: centralised sales of all aquaponics related products, equipment, fish, fish food, greens etc.
  • Support – we support your aquaponics company to optimise growth & revenu and can help on every level: technical, plant & fish growth, etc.

We work together in confidence as a team. Every project has its own approach which offers us the unique possibility to choose which partner is in the best position to help our customer.
Any member of the consortium can count on the professional expertise of other members to cope with specific problems and challenges.
We all have practical experience with aquaponics and prefer a hands-on “farmers” approach with the idea of sharing our knowledge to support any customer in the best possible way.

We also develop special educational systems for schools and research centers. We suppiort teachers and studens by linking educational content (biology, technical, maths, etc.) to aquaponics.